Fermented Food Festival
Date & venue still brewing (TBC)
Why FFF?
We are thrilled to introduce South Africa’s first international Fermented Food Festival!
A trend-setting trade, health and lifestyle event presenting the best selection of fermented food products and beverages in South Africa, with South Korean companies attending as exhibitors to reveal cutting-edge insights on gut, body and mind health. Three days of inspiring talks, demos, workshops and discussions to enlighten the gut, body and mind.
Fermentation is a traditional method of preserving food that dates back centuries. We recognise the current and growing popularity of this artisanal, time-honoured method of preserving food, and how extracting and enhancing its nutritional value has powerful healing effects on our overall health. South Africa is bursting with world-class fermented food products, and now is our moment to bridge the gaps — connecting producers to their consumers and trade buyers, and bringing the trade together under one roof.
Produced by
Why Spier?
The Fermented Food Festival at Spier will showcase the best fermented food products and beverages available in South Africa, while promoting a vibrant lifestyle of good (slow) food and great health.
Aligned with our ethos and with more than three centuries of Cape winemaking history, Spier is the grande dame of South African wine farms — socially prominent, respected and experienced, with a passion for fermentation that is matched by their love of growing and making good food. Regenerative, bio-dynamic farming and pioneering environmental and social initiatives make them who they are.
The Fermented Food Festival at Spier aims to cook up one of the most mouthwatering events of the year — where history and timelessness mingle, where new and ancient flavours meet and marinate, and where nature is in charge and you feel it in every bite, around every corner.
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Companies that preserve, cure and pickle food will be considered for this event because we recognise that preserving, curing, pickling and fermenting all come from the same cultural backdrop.